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Welcome to - The Ultimate Guide to UK Broadband!

Discover the best broadband providers in the UK right here! is your one-stop destination for all things broadband, with a mission to help you make the most informed decisions about your internet service provider.

Here, we list and review all major broadband providers in the UK, using actual speed tests performed by real users like you, as well as ratings and reviews from the people who use these services every day. This combination of real-world data and direct user experiences ensures that our ratings and recommendations are not only accurate, but also genuinely helpful.

Unbiased, User-Driven Ratings

At, we believe that the real power lies in the hands of the users. We collect and compile ratings and reviews from actual customers of each broadband provider to give you a true picture of the service you can expect. From speed and stability to customer service and pricing, our user-generated ratings cover all aspects that matter to you.

Real-Time Speed Tests

Experience the power of real-time data! We provide a platform for users to perform speed tests right on our website. These results are used to rank providers based on the speed they deliver. This means you get to see exactly how well each provider performs in real-world conditions, giving you the information you need to choose a provider that delivers the speed you need.

Comprehensive Listings

Our comprehensive listings include all major broadband providers in the UK, ensuring you don't miss out on any potential option. We also provide essential information for each provider, including available plans, pricing, and service areas. Whether you're looking for the fastest broadband, the most affordable package, or the best customer service, you'll find it all here.

Easy-to-Use Comparison Tools

Make your decision-making process easier with our handy comparison tools. Compare providers based on speed, price, customer reviews, and more to find the one that perfectly suits your needs.

At, we're committed to helping you navigate the broadband landscape with ease and confidence. Let us guide you to the best broadband experience tailored to your needs!

Start exploring today, and make an informed choice about your next broadband provider with!

Join us in our journey towards better, faster, and more reliable internet for everyone in the UK. Your opinion matters, so don't forget to leave a review for your current broadband provider and help others make the right choice.

Broadband Providers

We have collected statistics for the following providers:

Last Update: 29th Aug 2023